Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2009 Scores


Vintage Football League VII

Thursday, August 13, 2009 6:48 AM

Greetings Owners,

I am getting ready to start another fantasy football league for 2009!

It will run on the Yahoo! Fantasy Sports website, but you can follow along by email or at the website.

The sole job of an owner is to pick a team.  Last year's owners already have a team from last year's league and do not have to respond unless a change of team is requested.  Owners can change their team up to September 4, 2009.

Here are important dates for the league:

  • Aug 09, 2009 NFL preseason starts
  • Aug 30, 2009 Manager creation ends
  • Sep 04, 2009 Draft day, NFL preseason ends, Team selection ends
  • Sep 10, 2009 NFL season starts

The Commissioner

Week 1: Sep 10 - Sep 14

Chicago Bears 22 vs Denver Broncos 53
New England Patriots 51 vs Indy Colts (Gloria) 19
Cincinnati Bengals 0 vs Seattle Seahawks 0
San Diego Chargers 30 vs GB Packers (Judy) 48
New York Jets 41 vs Minnesota Vikings 49
Bal Ravens (Zoey) 37 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 32
Cleveland Browns 32 vs Dallas Cowboys 49 

Week 2: Sep 15 - Sep 21

Chicago Bears 33 vs Dallas Cowboys 27
New England Patriots 56 vs Cincinnati Bengals 0
Indy Colts (Gloria) 32 vs Denver Broncos 22
San Diego Chargers 32 vs Seattle Seahawks 0
New York Jets 38 vs GB Packers (Judy) 42
Bal Ravens (Zoey) 28 vs Minnesota Vikings 43
Cleveland Browns 42 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 42

Week 3: Sep 22 - Sep 28

Chicago Bears 48 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 25
New England Patriots 30 vs San Diego Chargers 38
Indy Colts (Gloria) 44 vs Cincinnati Bengals 27
New York Jets 24 vs Seattle Seahawks 26
Bal Ravens (Zoey) 40 vs GB Packers (Judy) 22
Cleveland Browns 8 vs Minnesota Vikings 44
Dallas Cowboys 19 vs Denver Broncos 20

Week 4: Sep 29 - Oct 5

Chicago Bears 63 vs Minnesota Vikings 46
New England Patriots 31 vs New York Jets 14
Indy Colts (Gloria) 44 vs San Diego Chargers 35
Cincinnati Bengals 6 vs Denver Broncos 33
Bal Ravens (Zoey) 40 vs Seattle Seahawks 9
Cleveland Browns 58 vs GB Packers (Judy) 22
Dallas Cowboys 17 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 38

Week 5: Oct 6 - Oct 12

Chicago Bears 16 vs GB Packers (Judy) 45
New England Patriots 34 vs Bal Ravens (Zoey) 31
Indy Colts (Gloria) 42 vs New York Jets 25
Cincinnati Bengals 0 vs San Diego Chargers 20
Cleveland Browns 21 vs Seattle Seahawks 66
Dallas Cowboys 35 vs Minnesota Vikings 52
NY Giants (Dianne) 35 vs Denver Broncos 47

Week 6: Oct 13 - Oct 19

Chicago Bears 67 vs Seattle Seahawks 9
New England Patriots 57 vs Cleveland Browns 45
Indy Colts (Gloria) 35 vs Bal Ravens (Zoey) 26
Cincinnati Bengals 31 vs New York Jets 30
San Diego Chargers 17 vs Denver Broncos 55
Dallas Cowboys 0 vs GB Packers (Judy) 54
NY Giants (Dianne) 22 vs Minnesota Vikings 46

Week 7: Oct 20 - Oct 26

Chicago Bears 25 vs New England Patriots 9
Indy Colts (Gloria) 56 vs Cleveland Browns 22
Cincinnati Bengals 63 vs Bal Ravens (Zoey) 37
San Diego Chargers 29 vs New York Jets 23
Dallas Cowboys 63 vs Seattle Seahawks 0
NY Giants (Dianne) 28 vs GB Packers (Judy) 47
Minnesota Vikings 35 vs Denver Broncos 46

Week 8: Oct 27 - Nov 2

Chicago Bears 63 vs Indy Colts (Gloria) 28
New England Patriots 25 vs Dallas Cowboys 52
Cincinnati Bengals 0 vs Cleveland Browns 22
San Diego Chargers 17 vs Bal Ravens (Zoey) 45
New York Jets 41 vs Denver Broncos 18
NY Giants (Dianne) 25 vs Seattle Seahawks 18
Minnesota Vikings 51 vs GB Packers (Judy) 31

Week 9: Nov 3 - Nov 9

Chicago Bears 31 vs Cincinnati Bengals 30
New England Patriots 47 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 32
Indy Colts (Gloria) 36 vs Dallas Cowboys 30
San Diego Chargers 35 vs Cleveland Browns 7
New York Jets 44 vs Bal Ravens (Zoey) 16
Minnesota Vikings 0 vs Seattle Seahawks 50
GB Packers (Judy) 36 vs Denver Broncos 38

Week 10: Nov 10 - Nov 16

Chicago Bears 23 vs San Diego Chargers 36
New England Patriots 70 vs Minnesota Vikings 42
Indy Colts (Gloria) 44 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 2
Cincinnati Bengals 31 vs Dallas Cowboys 13
New York Jets 27 vs Cleveland Browns 27
Bal Ravens (Zoey) 34 vs Denver Broncos 28
GB Packers (Judy) 39 vs Seattle Seahawks 19

Week 11: Nov 17 - Nov 23

Chicago Bears 28 vs New York Jets 10
New England Patriots 45 vs GB Packers (Judy) 55
Indy Colts (Gloria) 27 vs Minnesota Vikings 50
Cincinnati Bengals 25 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 35
San Diego Chargers 46 vs Dallas Cowboys 19
Bal Ravens (Zoey) 52 vs Cleveland Browns 36
Seattle Seahawks 5 vs Denver Broncos 24

Week 12: Nov 24 - Nov 30

Chicago Bears 32 vs Bal Ravens (Zoey) 26
New England Patriots 21 vs Seattle Seahawks 26
Indy Colts (Gloria) 37 vs GB Packers (Judy) 15
Cincinnati Bengals 21 vs Minnesota Vikings 59
San Diego Chargers 64 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 15
New York Jets 25 vs Dallas Cowboys 37
Cleveland Browns 26 vs Denver Broncos 31

Week 13: Dec 1 - Dec 7

Chicago Bears 31 vs Cleveland Browns 9
New England Patriots 31 vs Denver Broncos 33
Indy Colts (Gloria) 45 vs Seattle Seahawks 24
Cincinnati Bengals 38 vs GB Packers (Judy) 32
San Diego Chargers 38 vs Minnesota Vikings 21
New York Jets 30 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 20
Bal Ravens (Zoey) 17 vs Dallas Cowboys 35

Week 14: Dec 8 - Dec 14

Chicago Bears 32 vs Denver Broncos 46
New England Patriots 72 vs Indy Colts (Gloria) 32
Cincinnati Bengals 15 vs Seattle Seahawks 15
San Diego Chargers 30 vs GB Packers (Judy) 30
New York Jets 41 vs Minnesota Vikings 43
Bal Ravens (Zoey) 52 vs NY Giants (Dianne) 20
Cleveland Browns 37 vs Dallas Cowboys 27

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